Sunday, April 3, 2011

We're going to Art History Hell...

Well the first thing I learned in France is that I am terrible at French.  Pointing and smiling was definitely the best manner of communication, and I successfully avoided butchering too many words.  America is a big FAIL at teaching kids foreign languages.  And I feel really inept when I'm in Europe where everyone knows at least three fluently.

We (Amanda, Leah, Renee, and I) left for Paris on Thursday night. Our Ryanair flight was about an hour late, so we didn't get to the hear the trumpet salute as we landed.  Then we had to take an hour and a half shuttle from the airport to the center of Paris.  And then get on a metro.  And then walk for half an hour.  But we made it to the hotel before 1 AM.  Success.  (And yes, you did read correctly: that says HOTEL, not HOSTEL, we were living like big dogs in Paris.  Community bathrooms are so last week).

Friday we got up kind of late and decided to dedicate most of the day to shopping.  I mean, Paris is the fashion capital of the world, right?  WARNING: For those Americans that are concerned, there is a horrendous trend that's over here at the moment and that will probably migrate to the States.  Its floral print dropped crotch balloon pants that are tight around the ankles.  It's so ugly and it makes me want to stab my eye.  But in about two years, I'll probably be doing it too.  (although I sincerely hope that one doesn't cross the Atlantic).  So I'll skip the gory details about shopping, and just note that my debit card didn't take too much of a beating.  We then wandered past Notre Dame and towards the Louvre.  The Louvre has extended hours on Friday so we were there from 5-8.  And what happened next is going to send us to Art History Hell.  Long story short: I'm surprised we weren't escorted off the premises for taking ridiculous photos of major works of art.

Also, despite what everyone says, the Mona Lisa is worth seeing, and its not THAT small.

Then we walked from the Louvre to the Eiffel tower to see it at night.  And it's really beautiful.  And along the way, we stopped for our third crepes of the day.  Paris has the best pastries in Europe, and I feel qualified in saying that after spending my Spring Break in Vienna, Krakow, Prague, and Munich.  SOOOOO GOOOOOOOD.

On Saturday, we went to take photos with the Eiffel Tower in the daylight, and then we went to the Champs Elysees and the Arc de Triomphe.  Both of which were pretty sweet.  Highlight: going inside the 4 story Louis Vuitton store.  (Dear Dad, please? Love, Your Favoritest Daughter Ever). We also walked upon a movie getting filmed. I think it was French. Anyway, in the scene they were doing, this 20 something year old girl in a red dress was making out with some old guy. Let's hope she got paid well, because they did like 8 or 9 takes.  And then we went to see Catherine Laboure (the incorrupt saint) and Shakespeare and Company bookstore.  We finished the day with mass at Notre Dame and then went and got more crepes for dinner.  We had to get up at 4 this morning to catch our flight, but now we're back on campus and ready to write our West Civ papers (er...)

On Wednesday, I leave for a five day class trip to Venice and Florence.  Looks like a legitimate pair of Italian leather heels are in my future.... :-D
I'm sorry I have the maturity level of a five year old.

Girls weekend in Paris :)

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