Sunday, March 27, 2011

One, Two, Three, BEER!

That's how you take pictures in Munich.  Because when you say beer, you have to smile. (According to our really cute Australian tour guide, and who would want to correct him?)

We got to Munich on Friday and wandered around the main square. It is also very commercialized.  Lots of Starbucks and American chains. And not really a whole lot to see or do.  Except drink beer? Anyway, we got pizza for dinner (fail on our parts, but you can't get away from Italian food forever..) and then decided to be all authentically German and get Haagen Daas ice cream.  And then to finish the night, we made our way to the Hofbrauhaus.  And I have never seen so much beer in my life.  Being the lightweight that I am, I only got half a liter, but Elise managed to knock back a full liter. I was very impressed. AND she could still walk in a straight line on the way back to the hostel.  Talented. In case you've never seen a Hofbrau mug, it's pretty much the size of a small child (that might be a slight exaggeration, but seriously, it's a lot of liquid).

I woke up on Saturday feeling exceptionally awful.  I'm going to assume it wasn't a hangover, because it lasted all day and I had a fever.  Also, if the cleaning standards at the Hofbrauhaus are anything like those at the bar we went to in Prague, then I could have easily caught something there.  Anyway, we went on a free tour in Munich in the morning, with the Australian tour guide, and saw all the main sites of the city.  Which isn't much.  Apparently people only go to Munich because of the beer.  We chose it because it was halfway back to campus, not because we're alcoholics. Just to clarify.  Anyway, there were a lot of annoying American tourists there that were our age.  And the sorority type (aka STUPID). As Renee said, "If i ever have sorority girl daughters, they are NOT allowed to travel to Europe by themselves".  Luckily, everyone in my travel group is exceedingly intelligent and not orange.

So we caught the overnight train back to campus last night.  And it was quite possibly the sketchiest moment of my semester thus far.  We were sharing the compartment with a man, who reeked, and his son. What's so bad about some nice old dad? Well he was being SUPERRRRR inappropriate to the point where we had to go ask to switch cars.  Luckily the conductor let us, otherwise we would have had to stay awake all night with Renee's knife at the ready.  I wish I had pepper spray.

So now we're back in Rome, and the homework can no longer be ignored... PARIS on THURSDAY :)

 In front of the Hofbrauhaus!

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