Monday, March 14, 2011

It's half over?

This is my pre-10-day post.  Because in about 72 hours, I'll be heading off into the unpredictable world of hostels.  Which I'm super excited about.  I can honestly say this is going to be the most epic spring break of my life.  So for all you miserable folks that are stuck in America, I'll be off playing in Vienna, Krakow, Prague, and Munich :)  Or, as my Art and Architecture teacher commented, I'll be taking a ten day pastry tour.  Which is exactly what Elise and I were going for.  To accommodate all this eating, we're aiming to have a "no pants" spring break.  Which means we'll be trying to wear only tights and leggings for as long as we can, without having to do laundry.  This could be difficult, because it's pretty frigid in Poland at the moment. 

On a side note, our room (Me, Elise, and Paige) have been trying to figure out a theme for our room.  We're down to either the "accidental daters" or the "no pants", given our love of wearing shorts and unfortunate experiences of going out on dates with boys, and not realizing it was a date until halfway through.  And then it just gets awkward.

So the two weeks between Greece and 10 day are supposed to be exceedingly stressful.  We've had two midterms, and I'll be turning in the longest paper I've ever written (gotta love Philosophy).  Amazingly, I haven't been stressed out at all this semester.  Not once.  It's so unlike me, and I love it.  Whoever said the Rome semester is the hardest semester was lying. The work isn't what's difficult; it's lack of time.  Between booking flights and hostels and trying to get into the city to hang out, time literally does fly by.  It's already halfway through the semester. Which is incredible, because I haven't even spent a weekend in Rome yet.
However, we're addressing this problem by going out on Wednesday night and pulling an all-nighter in the city (we haven't worked out the details, and are mildly concerned about safety, so we'll see how this works). So that's my bit of debauchery planned for the week.

This past weekend I went on the Women's Retreat at a nearby retreat facility. It was a silent retreat, so we weren't allowed to talk for two days.  Which was really nice. I like the silence.  One of the highlights of the weekend: the Pontifical Swiss Guard was also there.

We're so immature that we asked them to take a picture with us.  And they did.

Hopefully I'll score some free Internet while I'm travelling and can update this before I get back.

1 comment:

  1. But they are not in their uniforms - I am disapointed..they don't look like REAL Pontifical Swiss Guard
