Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dear Italy, Get Out of My Personal Bubble.

I have successfully survived the last class trip of the semester.  Which means I'm pretty much done traveling until the end of the semester when Elise and I take our grand tour of the UK (assuming I decide against going to Norway over Easter).  Living out of a backpack is super annoying. 

So these past five days found us in Florence and Venice.  The weather was absolutely beautiful, so two goals were accomplished.  1) I succeeded in not wearing pants the entire trip and 2) I got a tan.  Goodbye pasty white skin!  So we got to Florence on Wednesday, took a tour of the city, and then went to the Uffizi Art Gallery.  It was a lot of paintings, which would have been cool if I was into Renaissance art.  But I'm not, so I based the paper I had to write over the experience on the painting with the most amusing title that was in the closest proximity.  On Thursday, I went to the Museo Galileo, and saw a whole bunch of old school math and physics pieces of equipment.  And it reminded me of being back at the UD campus in Irving.  Because we're just that primitive.  In the afternoon, we went to the Academia and saw Michelangelo's David.  Who is massssssive.  And also the highlight of Florence?  Because every tourist shop had like 100 novelty items featuring depictions of only his junk.

Also in Florence: the leather market.  Where vendors were getting a little too friendly.  And by a little, I mean I was about ready to stab the next person who touched me.  First incident: some vendor walks up to me and gives me a hug, and then tells me, "I've got a free jacket for you, Lady Gaga" and then tries to lead me away.  1) I hate it when strangers touch me and 2) WHAT THE HELL, DO I LOOK LIKE LADY GAGA? SHE'S A HERMAPHRODITE.  GRRRRRR.  Second incident:  I was walking along with Elise, Renee, and Brad, and another creepy vendor congratulates Brad on having three girlfriends and then says that I've got sexy legs and he touches my face in a creepy way.  Needless to stay, I hauled butt outta there, and did not purchase any leather. 

Also having occurred in Florence: wandering around for an hour trying to find the right Irish pub we were supposed to meet a Professor at.  It failed.  We ended up at some place called The Fish Pub with about 100 Parisian teenagers.  Who probably really regretted going after one of our group members projectile vomited on them. 

Venice was again nice weather.  Highlights: water taxis and I went to the Guggenheim.  Modern art... I just don't get it.  Maybe if they were handing out LSD at the entrance or something it would have made more sense.  But I was completely sober, and didn't understand how eight gray boxes were supposed to represent two figures dancing.  I don't even understand artists.  Not at all.  But it was still fun.

And then last night we went to another bar after wandering around for an hour (I'm seeing a pattern) and ended up at a place were the bartender ineptly sprayed us with a drink he was mixing with a little to much zeal.  Upside: he felt so bad about it we scored free drinks.  So that saved some money, which will now be used to pay my first write up fine of the semester.  We got caught eating on the bus (which is a big no-no), because we were laughing at a gummy bear heart that had the word "shatz" on it.  Only Europeans would put past tense profanity on their candy.  Anyway, that's 10 euros down the drain.

No traveling for me this weekend, but Kenny (from High school) is coming into town and we'll hopefully get to have some adventures!

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