Saturday, May 14, 2011


A four month separation was too rough.  And now I'm back in the land of tea and chocolate.  AWESOME.

Okay so let's recap since Wednesday afternoon:
We had final convocation mass in the amphitheater on campus, followed by closing speeches.  I honestly cannot believe how fast the semester went by.  It's been two days since I left Italy, and I already miss everyone like crazy.  I really hope everyone is so close next semester.  We're definitely hosting Monday Night Meetings in our Condo.  It's a five euro buy in, for all of you who are interested.  (Yes, thats EURO, and not DOLLARS, we're still trying to scam you). 

After convocation we had our final dinner, complete with Campus wine from our vineyard.  Which is still as crappy as ever.  However, when mixed with coke, it's tolerable. Downside: you'll start doing stupid stuff. 

Charming mustaches, absolutely charming.

After dinner, the Mensa ladies started spraying us with champagne.  Which was hilarious to watch from the back of the room outside of the splash zone.  If the dress I was wearing got covered in alcoholic beverages, I would have been slightly pissed.  I don't want to resemble someone who gets into bar fights, after all.

So we headed into the Aula Magna for one last time and watched the slideshow of the semester. It was really cute.  And hysterical.  They picked some really awful pictures to put up.  I escaped too many embarrassing photos, except for that one of me and the statue butt at the Louvre (if you haven't seen it, go look at my "we're going to art history hell..." post).  It was really the perfect way to end the semester. 

And this was all followed by a bonfire and the burning of our less than stellar tests and papers.  Unfortunately, some of the staff was there, so we had to restrain ourselves from vocally showing our frustration.  So that went on until two in the morning, with everyone drinking their last bottles of wine and whatnot.  We got kicked out of the firepit at 2, and then we headed over to Dr. Nelson's apartment for a little while.  Only at UD can you go drink with your professors.  Classic.  So I didn't get back to the dorm until after three, and then didn't go to sleep until nearly four. Which is really great when you have to get up at five. 

Thursday morning was just a rush.  A complete rush.  Making sure everything was packed and the room was clean was chaotic.  But we got on the bus, and made it to the airport.  And then Elise and I found out our gate was right next to the group flight's gate.  So we got to hang out with everyone until they left. Which was awesome, because I'm going to miss everyone. 

And then we headed off to England!

Yesterday, my Auntie Maggie took us to Hampton Court Palace, which is where Henry the VIII liked to hang out and behead people and whatnot.  So that was really cool!  And then we walked along the Thames back towards her house.  Then in the evening we headed into London after chaotically figuring out a method to get Elise and I from London to Edinburgh.  Note to self: don't wait last minute to buy tickets, because they are freaking expensive.  So we're going to be flying up there.  Oh well.

Anyway:  London.  We went to a show called "Priscilla: Queen of the Desert" which was about as glitzy as it sounds.  Basically it's about three drag queens that make their way across the Australian desert to get to a casino.  And it was hysterical.  The costumes were fantastic, and it sort of makes me want to be a drag queen.  Except not really, because from the looks of the production, they have a hard life.  I will take a drag queen's shoe collection any day of the week though.

Today we're heading into London again and going on a Jack the Ripper tour and seeing the touristy stuff again.  It'll be an adventure for sure.

 We got to wear legit costumes for visiting the palace.  We are obviously courtiers.
Us with "Lady Kate" or something.

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