Friday, January 21, 2011

One more day in America...

So today is Friday the 21st.  And I leave on Sunday (at 6 in the morning, no less ).  Meaning that I have one full day left in Tulsa before I head off for the semester.  At this point, I'm mostly packed.  I still have to make photocopies of all my documents and throw some last minute things into the suitcases, but hopefully that wont be too stressful.  I'm really worried I'm going to forget something vitally important, because there's not a Wal-Mart on every corner (and even if there was, it's shut most of the afternoon anyway).  I think I was pretty successful at packing lightly.  I mean, I've decided to only take five pairs of shoes. Getting everything home is going to be more interesting, because I tend to accumulate a lot of stuff. But don't worry, I don't think we're going to be buying a gerbil off of Craig's List this semester.  So that's one less thing to transport (note to all concerned: Chubby Cheeks sounds like he's having a fabulous time with his semester-long vacation in a TCU dorm room).

Tomorrow is my last day in America until June.  Part of me wants to go on an eating binge and hit every fast food joint in the area because I know I won't have that option for four  months.  But then I remember that I never eat fast food even when I am in America, and it would be a shame not to fit in my skinny jeans when I arrive in Italy.  Other things on my agenda:  finishing another Harry Potter book, finding something to do on the plane, and tormenting the dog enough to make up for my semester-long absence.. I lead an exciting life.

The idea here is to keep everyone updated on my travels and adventures while I'm overseas.  I really hope I make time to update this regularly.  And I really really hope that I'll actually have some good stories to tell.  I'm really excited for the upcoming semester, although a four-month separation from my flat iron is going to be ROUGH.  Hopefully the bad hygiene of Europeans doesn't rub off on me.  And hopefully I don't get kidnapped by a gypsy, because I hear that could be a real concern.

SO if anyone wants to contact me while I'm away, you can email me or facebook me.  Or skype (but that's really unreliable because the internet connection over there is SUPER CRAPPY) 


1 comment:

  1. Hoo-boy. Let ME tell YOU about the internet over here...

    Good idea for the blog. Now I can find out what you did without actually having to talk to you: I've been working on the creeper-'stache all break.
